Thursday, February 12, 2015

Quick Tip: Google Drive

I was listening to the Google EduCast on the EdReach network on my way in to school this morning, and when I heard this, though I was alone in my car, I said out loud, "No way!"

Did you know that you can include your Google Drive in your Chrome search engines so that you can quickly and easily search your Drive without having to navigate there first? Here's what you do:

1) In Chrome, go to Settings and find Search and click "Manage Search Engines."
2) Under "Other Search Engines," go down to where you can add new search engines.
3) In the first box, name it whatever you want it to be. The suggestion on the GoogleCast was "GD," but I'm so used to typing "," that I just named mine "Drive."
4) The second box should be the short URL - <>
5) The third box should be the actual URL to search your drive: <>
6) Hit "Done," and refresh your page.
7) Now, when you go to your address bar at the top of your browser, just type "Drive," hit "Tab," and search for your document which will open Google Drive.

You're welcome, and have a great day!

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